A Detailed Guide On How To List On Poshmark

How to list On Poshmark
How to list On Poshmark

How To List On Poshmark

A properly filled in Poshmark listing can be the difference between a shopper hitting that buy button, or scrolling on past. Use this how to list on Poshmark guide to make sure you are maximizing your Posh listings, so you can maximize your profit!

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SEO: Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization is the name of the game. Everything we do in our listing is to maximize our SEO. This is how we get found in the search results on Poshmark, Google, and the rest of the web.

Tip: Guest Buyers on Poshmark

Did you know that with proper SEO, guest buyers can find our items in a Google search, and purchase from our store without having a Poshmark account?

Being able to reach customers who aren’t on the app yet is a big deal! That widens our potential customer base, which means more opportunities to make sales.

How To List On Poshmark:

5 steps to a perfect Poshmark Listing

1. Write A Good Title

A good title should be detailed and descriptive! Titles are the first step in optimizing our Poshmark listings. This is the first thing that search engines will scan, so you should use important key words here.

Take a look at the Poshmark listings below. Which title has a greater chance of being found in the search results? Why?

Search engines like Poshmark and Google are always trying to give searchers the best results possible for their search query.

If someone is searching for a vans crop top sweater, listing #1 is going to have a better chance to appear in those search results, because we’ve added those keywords to the title.

While listing #2 has vans sweater in the title, without any other keywords to help determine if it fits the search query or not, it will likely be buried in the search results. The more keywords in our title that match a search query, the more likely we are to rank for that query.

The more descriptive keywords we can put into the title, the easier it is for the search engine to decide that our listing is appropriate.

What not to do: Keyword stuffing

While using keywords is important, only use keywords that apply to your listing.

Keyword stuffing (putting keywords that don’t apply in order to get more search results) is not a good practice, and won’t help you in the long run. The point of keywords is to help potential buyers who are searching for those terms find what they are looking for. If your item pops up but doesn’t match what they are looking for, they aren’t going to buy it.

It’s not about getting more eyes on your listing, it’s about getting the right eyes.

2. Clear, Detailed Photos

Photos are the most important part of your Poshmark listing. Photos are your first impression of your products, and your store, so make sure it is a good one.

Good photos will encourage buyers and bad photos will turn them away. Take a look at the photos below, which sweater would you feel more confident purchasing?

Photos are really what is going to sell your product. You can write the best title and description in the world, but if your photos turn off customers, they aren’t going to buy.

I prefer to use a plain white background for my photos. For one, I find this way to be the easiest, professional looking, and I’ve heard that Google prefers photos this way, but I can’t confirm that 100%. It does make sense because their scanning software can easily read the photo and tell what the photo is of. If that is what Google prefers, then I am going to do everything I can to help increase my SEO!

Find a system that works for you. While you don’t want to spend too much time taking photos, you want to make sure you are providing quality photos in your listing. As long as the photographs give the buyer a clear vision of what they are purchasing, that is all that really matters.

Tip: If you have a unique item, make sure to take up close pictures of the details. Close up photos can be good for showing fabric as well.

Poshmark has now added video feature to their platform, so you can take a video of your item and upload that to the listing as well! This is great for showing things that are difficult to photograph, and another step in adding confidence for your buyer.

Tip: Disclose Any Item Flaws or Imperfections:

I always photograph any flaws or imperfections on items. This is really important to disclose and display as much as possible. While you might be thinking that nobody will buy it if you show the imperfections, you are going to have a bigger problem if they do buy it and find the imperfection that you did not tell them about.

I’ve listed and sold many things that had imperfections, and many of them I’ve gotten good reviews from. As long as you make that information known, people will still buy and be happy with their item, as long as they know what they are getting. You may not get as much money for it if it didn’t have the flaw, but it’s better than providing a full refund and dealing with a case because of undisclosed flaws.

Sometimes it can be hard to photographs flaws or stains. In this case I recommend editing the photo and using the pen to draw a circle around it. That way the customer knows exactly where and what the flaw looks like.

3. Write A Detailed Description Box

A detailed description box is important for two reason: The more details you have about your item, the more confident a shopper is to purchase, and of course SEO. This is what Poshmark & Google are going to read to help them rank your listing. The more details you can add in here, the better your chances of being found.

Thanks For Your Order
Thanks For Your Order

Details to include in the Poshmark Description Box:

  • Brand Name
  • Market (Women’s, Men’s, Kids)
  • Size
  • Color
  • Style ( Descriptor Keywords Here)
  • Material
  • Measurements
  • Condition (NWT, NWOT, Excellent, Good, Damage or Flaws, Smoke Free, Pet Free, Disclose All Flaws)
Tip: Always Include Measurements

ALWAYS include measurements in your listings. Many buyers are impulse buyers, and if they find an item they like and they can see that it will fit, they are more likely to hit purchase or send an offer. Without measurements, they may keep scrolling, or change their mind by the time you get back to them. Buyers want to be confident what they are buying will fit and they won’t be left disappointed. Clothing sizes can vary immensely between styles and brands, so just listing the size on the tag isn’t going to cut it.

If you don’t include measurements in your Poshmark listing, I guarantee you’ll be asked for them. Take the extra few minutes while photographing to either photograph or write down the measurements and include them in your listing. You’ll save yourself a lot of time and hassle later when you start getting comments asking for measurements.

4. Everything Filled In

Make sure all the details in your listing are filled in correctly. This includes category and subcategory, size, brand, colors, NWT or not and your styling tags. Each of the details needs to be filled in correctly to help Poshmark get your item in front of the right shoppers.

You can include 3 style tags in your listing. You can choose from the pre-loaded tags Poshmark offers, or type in your own keyword you think people might be searching.

5. Shipping Discount

This one is optional and you can decide for yourself, but I like to fill in an automatic shipping discount on my listings. This means that when a shopper clicks on your item, they will see on the listing that discounted shipping is automatically applied, which might entice them to buy. & If they decide to purchase your item full price, they will automatically receive that shipping discount.

I also find it convenient and time saving when sending out offers to likers. I can send out offers a lot quicker, since the shipping discount is already set, I don’t have to choose the discount every time.

I hope you found this detailed guide on how to list on Poshmark helpful!